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9th Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization

ETVIS 2025 is a hybrid event and will be co-located with ETRA 2025 in Tokyo, Japan.
Check out the workshop dates for ETVIS 2025!
Please go to submission for details on the submission process.
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Broadly, this workshop considers the intersection of eye tracking research with visualization, whether the contributions relate to eye tracking studies of visualizations, or vice versa, visualization techniques for eye tracking. Technological advances in computer vision algorithms and sensor hardware have greatly reduced the implementational and financial costs of eye tracking. Thus, it is unsurprising to witness a significant increase in its use as a research tool in fields beyond the traditional domains of biological vision, psychology, and neuroscience, in particular, in visualization and human-computer interaction research. One of the key challenges lies in the analysis, interaction, and visualization of complex spatio-temporal datasets of gaze behavior, which is further complicated by complementary datasets such as semantic labels, user interactions and/or accompanying physiological sensor recordings. Ultimately, the research objective is to allow eye tracking data to be effectively interpreted in terms of the observer’s decision-making and cognitive processes. To achieve this, it is necessary to draw upon our current understanding of gaze-behavior across various and related fields, from vision and cognition to visualization. All together eye tracking is an important field to be understood, be it in the sense of data analysis and visualization, interaction, or user-based evaluation of visualization.


Manuscripts are solicited on the following topics with an emphasis on the relationship between eye tracking and visualization, including but not limited to the following:
    • Visualization techniques for eye movement data (inc. spatio-temporal visualization, evolution of gaze patterns, visual analysis of individual behavior, 2D vs. 3D representations of eye movement data)
    • Visual analytics of gaze behavior (inc. visual data mining, aggregation, clustering techniques, and metrics for eye movement data)
    • Eye movement data provenance
    • Standardized metrics for evaluating gaze interactions with visualization
    • Cognitive models for gaze interactions with visualizations
    • Novel methods for eye tracking in challenging visualization scenarios
    • Uncertainty visualization of gaze data
    • Interactive annotation of gaze and stimulus data
    • Systems for the visual exploration of eye movement data
    • Eye tracking studies that evaluate visualization or visual analytics
    • Eye tracking in non-WIMP visualization environments, including mobile eye tracking, mobile devices, and large displays
    • Visualization of eye tracking data in mixed and virtual reality (3df & 6df, 360°)
    • Visualization applications that rely on eye tracking as an input parameter


Authors are invited to submit original work complying with the ETRA SHORT PAPER format (max. 8 pages, plus any number of additional pages for references, max. 150 words abstract). Also ensure that the Author Guidelines for SIG sponsored events [sigconf]) are met prior to submission.

ETVIS uses the Precision Conference System (PCS) through ETRA 2025 to handle the submission and reviewing process. To submit, log in to PCS and select Society=ETRA, Conference=ETRA 2025 and Track=ETRA 2025 ETVIS.

All accepted papers will be published by ACM as part of the ETRA Workshop Proceedings (in ACM DL).

Important Dates

(Time Zone AoE/Anywhere on Earth)

Paper Submission Due Feb 22, 2025
Notification Mar 12, 2025
Camera Ready Mar 31, 2025
Workshop TBD


Profile picture of Michael Burch

Michael Burch

University of Applied Sciences
Chur, Switzerland

Profile picture of Kuno Kurzhals

Kuno Kurzhals

University of Stuttgart

Paper Chairs

Profile picture of Minoru Nakayama

Minoru Nakayama

Institute of Science Tokyo (Tokyo Tech.)

Profile picture of Yao Wang

Yao Wang

University of Stuttgart

Profile picture of Zofija Tupikovskaja-Omovie

Zofija Tupikovskaja-Omovie

Manchester Metropolitan University
United Kingdom

Steering Committee

Profile picture of Michael Burch

Michael Burch

University of Applied Sciences
Chur, Switzerland

Profile picture of Daniel Weiskopf

Daniel Weiskopf

University of Stuttgart

Profile picture of Lewis Chuang

Lewis Chuang

Chemnitz University of Technology

Social Media Chair

Profile picture of Ioana Lupascu

Ioana Lupascu

Tufts University
United States

Website Chair

Profile picture of Maurice Koch

Maurice Koch

University of Stuttgart




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